97.1 KLSX Frosty, Heidi & Frank Video

So, here’s the story on this one. Sink to see gives a bang up performance for both Speakers and Calling but the crowd is a tad too wasted to appreciate it. So we didn’t make it to the next round of “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” In the meantime, Frosty and Heidi loved us but I think Frank had too much Sauza to comment. Although, he did a great job of introducing us and keeping score. Another theory was that the other band secretly placed spies in the audience to “boo” when they asked if we should go. And still another theory was that all the guys girlfriends thought we kicked ass so that pissed off the dudes and they “boo-ed”. So what ev. Watch the vid.

~ by sinktosee on August 28, 2007.

8 Responses to “97.1 KLSX Frosty, Heidi & Frank Video”

  1. This Video is great! Such great work with the editing. Good job Shawn! Woo!

  2. damn, you guys are cool

  3. you Rock!!!! this sounds a lot better than that crapy feed on line…did you guys tell them about it?

  4. AWESOME! I totally wanted to go see that show. Frosty, Heidi and Frank rule! Good show guys!

  5. This kicks ass! SINK TO SEE is the greatest band EVER! 🙂

  6. Nice to have a behind the scenes look at the inner workings of Sink TO See! Thanks guys!

  7. great video!!!

  8. S2S u rawk! awesome vid!

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